Ice cream cake on a glass plate

A Look at the History of Ice Cream Cake

Dario Cantu

Ice cream cake is undoubtedly one of the greatest culinary inventions of all time. It’s that perfect combination of creamy and sweet ice cream and delicious cake that has made it such a popular dessert around the world. But where did this dessert originate? Who invented ice cream cake, and how did it become such a beloved treat? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the history of ice cream cake and explore its fascinating journey over time.

The Origins of Ice Cream and Cake

Before we dive into the specifics of ice cream cake, let’s first take a look at the origins of the two main ingredients: ice cream and cake. The history of ice cream can be traced all the way back to ancient China and Persia, where people would mix snow or ice with fruit juices, honey, and other flavorings. In the 17th century, ice cream became a popular dessert in Europe, and the first recorded ice cream shop was opened in Paris in 1686.

The history of cake, on the other hand, can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where bread was sweetened with honey and baked. Over time, cakes began to take on different shapes, sizes, and flavors, and by the 19th century, the cake had become a cornerstone of Western desserts.

The Ancient Roots of Ice Cream

As mentioned above, the roots of ice cream can be traced back to ancient China and Persia. In these countries, people would mix ice with fruit juices and other flavorings to create sorbet-like desserts. These desserts were often reserved for royalty and the wealthy elite, who would indulge in them during special occasions and celebrations.

Over time, ice cream began to spread westward, reaching Europe in the 17th century. Here, it became a popular dessert among the wealthy and aristocratic classes, who would have ice cream served at fancy dinner parties and events.

The Evolution of Cake Throughout History

Like ice cream, a cake also has a long and interesting history. Ancient Egyptians began sweetening bread with honey and baking it, creating a primitive form of cake. Over the centuries, cake continued to evolve and take on different shapes, sizes, and flavors, becoming a popular dessert across Europe and eventually America.

In medieval Europe, cake was often made with expensive ingredients like sugar and spices, and was reserved for special occasions like weddings and religious ceremonies. Gingerbread, a type of cake made with ginger and molasses, became especially popular during this time.

By the 19th century, a cake had become a staple of Western desserts, with a wide variety of flavors and styles available. In America, cakes like pound cake and sponge cake became popular, while in Europe, cakes like Black Forest cake and Sachertorte gained widespread acclaim.

Today, cake continues to be a beloved dessert around the world, with countless variations and styles available. From classic chocolate cake to trendy unicorn cakes, there’s a cake out there for everyone to enjoy.

The Birth of Ice Cream Cake

Now that we have a better understanding of the history of ice cream and cake, let’s take a look at how these two desserts eventually came together to create the masterpiece that is ice cream cake.

The First Recorded Ice Cream Cake Recipe

The first recorded recipe for ice cream cake comes from an Italian cookbook called “Il Confectioner Italiano,” which was published in 1788. The recipe calls for layers of ice cream and sponge cake soaked in liqueur. This early version of ice cream cake was a hit among the Italian aristocracy, who served it at their lavish dinner parties and events.

As the popularity of ice cream cake grew, so did the variations of the recipe. One variation that emerged was the addition of fruit, which added a refreshing twist to the rich dessert. Another variation was the use of different types of cake, such as pound cake or angel food cake, to create a unique texture and flavor.

The Role of Victorian-Era Desserts

During the Victorian era, which lasted from 1837 to 1901, desserts became increasingly elaborate and ornate. This was a time of excess and opulence, and people went all out when it came to their desserts. It was during this time period that many variations of ice cream cake began to emerge, as people experimented with different flavors and presentations.

One popular variation during this time was the addition of nuts and caramel sauce, which added a crunchy texture and sweet flavor to the already decadent dessert. Another popular variation was the use of different types of ice cream, such as chocolate or strawberry, to create a colorful and eye-catching dessert.

As the years went on, ice cream cake continued to evolve and adapt to different tastes and trends. Today, there are countless variations of ice cream cake, from classic chocolate and vanilla to more adventurous flavors like green tea and mango.

The Ice Cream Cake’s Journey to America

Ice cream cake eventually made its way across the pond to America, where it quickly became a hit with both the young and old alike. But how exactly did this delicious dessert find its way to the United States?

The Origins of Ice Cream Cake

The history of ice cream cake can be traced back to ancient China, where a dish called “bingqilin” was made by layering ice and fruit. Over time, this dish evolved and spread to other parts of the world, with variations popping up in places like Italy and England.

It wasn’t until the 19th century that ice cream cake as we know it today began to take shape. In 1813, an English cookbook called “The Cook’s Oracle” included a recipe for “ice cream in the shape of a cake.” This recipe involved layering ice cream and cake in a mold and freezing it, creating a dessert that was both creamy and cake-like.

The Introduction of Ice Cream Cake to the United States

The first recorded instance of ice cream cake being served in America was in the 1860s when a New York catering company began offering it as a dessert option. However, it wasn’t until the 1970s that ice cream cake really began to take off in the United States.

One reason for the surge in popularity was the introduction of new flavors and styles. Manufacturers began experimenting with everything from chocolate fudge to mint chocolate chips, creating ice cream cakes that were perfect for every occasion.

The American Twist on Ice Cream Cake

As with many dishes that cross cultural borders, ice cream cake took on a distinctly American twist once it arrived in the States. Manufacturers began experimenting with new flavor combinations and shapes, creating ice cream cakes that were perfect for everything from birthdays to holidays:

  • One popular variation is the “Carvel-style” ice cream cake, which features layers of ice cream and crunchy chocolate crumbs. This type of cake was first introduced by Tom Carvel, who started selling ice cream out of his truck in New York in the 1920s. Today, Carvel-style cakes are a staple at birthday parties and other celebrations across the country;
  • Another popular twist on ice cream cake is the “cookie cake” variation, which replaces the traditional cake layer with a giant cookie. This type of cake is perfect for those who love the combination of ice cream and cookies and is often decorated with frosting and sprinkles.

Overall, ice cream cake has become a beloved dessert in the United States, with countless variations and styles available to suit every taste and occasion.

An ice cream cake with strawberries and blueberries

The Rise of Ice Cream Cake Popularity

Today, ice cream cake is a beloved dessert around the world, with new variations popping up all the time.

The Role of Ice Cream Parlors and Bakeries

One reason for the continued popularity of ice cream cake is the role of ice cream parlors and bakeries. Many of these places offer unique and delicious ice cream cakes that can’t be found anywhere else.

The Impact of Advertising and Media

Advertising and media have also played a significant role in the rise of ice cream cake popularity. From TV commercials to Instagram posts, ice cream cake is constantly being marketed as a fun and delicious dessert that’s perfect for any occasion.

Iconic Ice Cream Cake Creations

  • Baked Alaska: One of the most iconic ice cream cakes is Baked Alaska. This dessert consists of ice cream, cake, and a meringue topping that is then baked in the oven. The result is a warm and delicious dessert that’s perfect for those cold winter evenings;
  • The Viennetta: Another popular ice cream cake is the Viennetta. This dessert originated in France in the 1980s and quickly became a sensation around the world. The Viennetta features layers of vanilla ice cream and crispy, chocolatey layers, creating a dessert that’s both creamy and crunchy at the same time.


In conclusion, while the exact origins of ice cream cake may be debated, there’s no denying that this delightful dessert has come a long way over the centuries. From its humble beginnings in Italian cookbooks to its modern-day popularity around the world, ice cream cake continues to be a beloved treat that brings joy to people of all ages.